Train and bus tickets to/in Andalucia and Spain

Find, book, buy online a train or bus ticket in Spain, in Andalucia

Below is a platform to book your train/bus tickets in Andalucia and more generally in Spain:

Click on the image to start the search for train and bus lines :

You will be able to find all the connections and buy your tickets online.

Other links to help you prepare for your trip to Andalucia :

Booking accommodation

Book a rental car

Book a shuttle cab

Book leisure activities

Book a flight

Take out travel insurance

Here is one of the most popular Andalucia train routes:

Arrival in Malaga

qué ver en Malaga best things to do and see in Malaga : mercado centralAtarazanas
Atazanaras market in Malaga

Then train journey from Malaga to Seville (2 hours by train)

seville-Alcazar visite guidee en francais
Alcazar in Sevilla

Then train ride from Seville to Cordoba (45 min by train)

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

The next step is a train ride from Cordoba to Granada (1H45 by train)

Alhambra of Granada

The last stage will be the train journey from Granada to Malaga (1H20 by train)

Visiter Malaga Visit Malaga qué ver en Malaga
Street art in Malaga

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