unusual restaurant in andalucia in carratraca fonda casa pepa

Curious and unusual restaurant in Malaga in Andalucia

Lunch at Fonda Casa Pepa in Carratraca

In this article you’ll find all the information you need to enjoy lunch at this unusual and curious restaurant in the province of Málaga, in Andalucia :

  • A few words about Carratraca
  • Where is Carratraca on the map?
  • What you need to know about this unusual restaurant La Fonda Casa Pepa
  • Some useful links (bookings and visits in Andalucia)
  • What to see near Carratraca
  • Continue your trip to Andalucia

carratraca fonda casa pepa unusual restaurant in andalucia

A few words about Carratraca

The small town of Carratraca has been famous for its thermal waters since Roman times. Roman coins bearing the effigies of the emperors Tiberius, Claudius and Julius Caesar have been found here!

The origin of the village’s name is just a little wonder. Carratraca comes from the Hispano-Muslim period, from the Arabic carr-altrak: meaning ‘cleansing of impurities’.
As is often the case, the Roman thermal baths later became Arab baths.

Below, the Carratraca Tourist Office:

carratraca palacio de dona trinidad grund oficina de turismo

This site was frequented by two great poets: Lord Byron (the latter is a legend) and Rainer Maria Rilke, who fell in love with the town of Ronda just a few kilometres away.

One of the other curiosities of Carratraca is that this small town was also one of the first tourist destinations for the Malagueña upper classes.

Below is the palace of Doña Trinidad-Gründ, which today houses the town hall.

carratraca palacio de dona trinidad grund ayuntamiento

Where are Carratraca and the Fonda Casa Pepa on the map?

What you need to know about this unusual restaurant la Fonda Casa Pepa

This is one of the most surprising places for an unforgettable lunch in Andalucia, 30-40 minutes from Málaga. It’s on the small Malaga-Ronda road, just beside Teba. It is the Fonda Casa Pepa.

Below: the entrance to the Fonda

restaurant original et insolite a malaga entree de la fonda casa pepa a carratraca

You’ve probably already eaten lunch and/or stayed in a: restaurante, pensión, hostal, albergue, posada, mesón, hostería, venta, parador, hotel, taberna, bodega, or chiringuito…

But have you ever stayed at or eaten lunch at a fonda?

Well, it’s getting complicated, because there are hardly any left, and it’s a kind of posada. And it’s a shame there aren’t any left, because for a long time they were associated with romantic travellers during the notorious period of banditry in Spain.

Below: the kitchen, which you pass on your way to lunch:

fonda casa pepa en carratraca la cocina

Once you’ve passed the kitchens, you enter the dining room…. the comedor.

fonda casa pepa en carratraca el comedor

It’s worth noting that this is a very special room, because as soon as you enter it, you feel as if you’re in Pepa’s home, just as if you were sitting down to dinner with your grandparents!

sitio original para comer en malaga en carratraca fonda casa pepa

Today the house is run by her children.

restaurant insolite a malaga a carratraca fonda casa pepa

It really feels like a family home, with the television playing in the background…

carratraca fonda casa pepa sitio original para comer en malaga

Not forgetting the famous clock!

unusual restaurant in malaga in carratraca fonda casa pepa

Of course, here you won’t get the famous question as soon as you sit down: y para beber?

Here, you automatically get a carafe of water,

restaurant insolite dejeuner insolite a malaga fonda casa pepa a carratraca

a litre of red wine and a litre of gaseosa.

unusual restaurant in malaga in carratraca fonda casa pepa the drinks

Don’t ask for the menu either, there isn’t one; the waitress will tell you about the 2 or 3 starters of the day (one starter = almost a meal…).

Below is a photo of the first course:

unusual restaurant in malaga in carratraca fonda casa pepa the food

And once the starter is finished, and after 2 chorizos to wait, the waitress comes back to you to tell you the 2 or 3 dishes of the day.

Dessert: the same, often an ice cream or fruit.

You can finish with a coffee, but it will be a coffee del puchero.

Celebrities who have lunched at Fonda Casa Pepa

Some of the celebrities who have passed through here can be seen on the walls. Notably the famous Spanish chef Karlos Arguiñano, who is often seen on television.

Pictured below with Pepa:

fonda casa pepa foto de pepa con un famoso cocinero karlos Arguinano

The following photo is proof that at least once in my life I would have had lunch in a restaurant where a Hollywood star had lunch:

fonda casa pepa en carratraca foto de un famoso actor

The following photo tells a curious anecdote: This is the table where the former Prince of Wales, by which I mean the current King of the United Kingdom, Charles III, had lunch.

Pepa was asked after the meal if she knew that it was the Prince of Wales who had just eaten lunch at that table. She answered quite simply: Pues qué bien!

curious and unusual restaurant in malaga in carratraca former Wales Prince and King ate here

Link to the Casa Fonda Pepa website, for reservations (required at weekends) .

Digestive stroll after lunch in this curious and unusual Malaga restaurant

Just opposite Casa Fonda Pepa are the Carratraca thermal baths. Unfortunately, they are currently closed… The interior of the thermal baths is simply sublime.

carratraca les thermes villa padierna

A stroll through this small town will take you to some very beautiful spots, typical of the white villages of Andalucia,

carratraca paseo pour una calle llena de macetas

and, of course, the narrow streets that remind you of the town’s past.

carratraca paseando por una calle estrecha despues del almuerzo en la fonda pepa

Finally, to finish with this decidedly curious place, you’ll no doubt see this Ultramarinos Marisol shop, pictured below:

carratraca tienda de ultramarinos

Like the word fonda, the word ultramarinos is becoming rarer these days, although you can still find several quite easily in Malaga.

Originally, ultramarinos were grocery shops or mini-markets that sold products from overseas (coffee, spices and other imported products), from the Spanish provinces of the ultra-mar.

And if you go to Carratraca in September you can enjoy a wonderful festival:


Some useful links for your trip to Andalusia

Accommodation in Carratraca to enjoy the countryside and peace and quiet


Easy and economical bookings

What can you see in the Carratraca area?

Teba Castle

This castle has a unique history in Andalucia.

escocesas douglas james castillo de teba jornadas

The best time to visit is at the end of August, during the Scottish Days. You’ll learn an incredible story, that of Sir Douglas James, nicknamed the Andalusian Braveheart.

douglas days in teba in honour of sir james douglas

Here is the link to Las jornadas escocesas de Teba (link under construction).


This is Ronda, the city the great poet Rainer Maria Rilke called the Dreamed City.


Here’s the link to find out more and visit Ronda.

The famous Caminito del Rey is just a few kilometres away.

caminito del rey visite guidee en francais

Here’s the link to find out more and buy a ticket for the Caminito del Rey, if you’re planning to go there.

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