ron andalucia cana de azucar salobrena cata de ron el mondero

Rum in Andalucia and…sugar cane

Sugar cane and rum in Andalucia

In this article, you’ll find the essential information about an incredible rum producer in Andalucia, in Salobreña (Lobres):

  • A few words about Salobreña
  • The origins of sugar cane growing in Andalucia
  • The rum producer: Bodega Ron El Mondero
  • Where is Salobreña and the bodega?
  • Book a visit to Bodega Ron El Mondero
  • What to see in the area
  • Book accommodation in Salobreña
  • Some useful links
  • Latest articles on authentic Andalucia

cana de azucar andalucia ron el mondero

A few words about Salobreña

Salobreña is a small town on the Costa Tropical in the province of Granada. It looks like a beautiful white village by the sea, with its castle towering above it.

salobrena see ver voir visit tour

Salobreña is nicknamed the Pearl of the Costa Tropical. It’s true that it’s a marvellous place to walk around and then relax on its crystal-clear beach.


The origins of sugar cane cultivation in Andalucia

The sugar cane plant is a great traveller…

In fact, sugar cane originated in South-East Asia, mainly Indonesia. The Arabs introduced it to the territories of Al-Andalus in the 9th and 10th centuries. It was grown to produce cane sugar and syrups. Its historical production area lies between Malaga and Motril, on the Costa del Sol and the Costa Tropical.

cana de azucar andalucia ron el mondero vista pico de veleda
Sugar cane in Salobreña with view on Pico de Veleda

It was the local climate and water resources that made its cultivation possible.

Later, it was the Spanish who introduced sugar cane to the Caribbean (Cuba, ….) and the Americas.

Sugarcane growing in Andalucia today

Sugar cane cultivation has almost completely disappeared today. The last sugar cane factory on the Costa del Sol – in Torre del Mar – closed in 1990, and the last one on the Costa Tropical – in Salobreña – closed a few years later.

Torre del mar chimenea azucarera sugar cane museum
azucarera de Torre del Mar

However, there are some people who love their land and have brought this age-old local culture back to life: the Ron El Mondero bodega.

Some photos of the monda – harvest – in spring 2024

cana de azucar y ron de andalucia la monda con paco

The field pictured here is less than a kilometre from Salobreña Castle and the sea.

recolte canne a sucre en andalousie pour produire du rhum

I had no idea what an incredible job it is.

canna da zucchero raccolta in andalusia per produrre rum

Cutting the cane with a machete….I imagined a machine harvesting it…

sugar cane harvest in andalucia for rum el mondero

And then carrying it….I imagined the weight of sugar cane to be quite similar to that of bamboo….It turned out to be quite different.

sugar cane field in andalucia ron factory

ron andalucia cana de azucar salobrena la monda cosecha de cana de azucar

The day was also an opportunity to bite directly into the sugar cane to drink the juice. To do this, a sugar cane is peeled, then pieces are cut off and crunched to extract the juice. Here we say ‘chupar la caña’.

ron andalucia cana de azucar salobrena chupar la cana

After harvesting, the sugar cane is crushed the same day. On this occasion, I was able to taste this ‘first juice’:

canne a sucre en andalousie degustation jus de canne a sucre pour rhum

Ron El Mondero Bodega

The owners of this bodega, Paco and his wife, are both passionate about their land and have achieved an incredible feat.

In fact, this is the only rum bodega in Andalucia to produce rum from 100% locally-grown sugar cane.

NB: There are a few other rum producers in Andalucia, but they import their sugar cane from Asia or the Caribbean. They often import the molasses directly, or even the rum, which they simply age in their bodega.

Paco and his wife :

  • sow their own sugar cane seeds
  • cultivate their fields
  • take care of the harvest (monda)
  • make the molienda – crush the sugar cane

cana de azucar andalucia ron la molienda

sugar cane visit a rum factory ron el mondero the milling

  • distill

rhum en andalousie bodega ron el mondero distillation

ron andalucia cana de azucar salobrena distilacion

  • cask their rum

rhum en andalousie bodega ron el mondero fut et barriques

  • and also age the rum in barrels.

sugar cane visit a rum factory ron el mondero tastings

Where is the El Mondero rum bodega?

Book a visit to the Ron El Mondero Bodega

If you’re interested, you can visit the Ron El Mondero winery in Lobres (Salobreña). It’s a great way to discover the origins of sugar cane in Andalucia (Costa del Sol and Costa Tropical).

ron andalucia cana de azucar salobrena cata de ron el mondero

Of course, the main part of the tour is devoted to the El Mondero Rum factory, the only rum made from 100% local sugar cane.

rhum en andalousie bodega ron el mondero visite

You can book online, and choose from 2 types of visit:

  • guided tour with tasting of a rum, liqueur and sugarcane honey (€8)

sugar cane visit a rum factory

  • guided tour with tasting of a rum, liqueur and sugarcane honey AND tasting of 5 limited-edition 15-year-old rums (€22)

rhum en andalousie bodega ron el mondero degustation

Here’s the link to book a visit to the Ron El Mondero bodega online.

andalucia cana de azucar ron el mondero

What to see in the surrounding area

Almuñecar, the town of sexitanos

As well as its magnificent beaches, Almuñecar boasts a Roman heritage of great importance. Well worth a visit!


Here’s the link to visit Almuñecar.

Los Guajares

Los Guajares comprises three small villages of rare authenticity. They are around 20km from Salobreña.

los guajares guajar fondon andalousie typique authentique algorfa

Here’s the link to visit Los Guajares.

Nerja and the famous Balcony of Europe

Nerja’s reputation is well deserved. Its beaches and surroundings are absolutely magnificent.

Nerja les plages los chorillos

Here’s the link to visit Nerja.

Book accommodation in Salobreña


Some useful links

Easy and economical bookings

Here are the latest articles on Andalusia

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